Season 2 -
Lovely Lawrence Kansas

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Stupid Wizards Actual People
A ttrpg improv podcast

Stupid Wizards Actual People is an actual play podcast featuring Drew Burton, Derek Dix, Josh Matney, and Elizabeth Rein. Join them every other Monday as they unravel mysteries in the dark urban fantasy underground of Lawrence, Kansas, in a Monster of the Week campaign. Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Patreon, or our Episodes page.

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All media (downloaded or samples), software, text, images, graphics, user interfaces, music, videos, photographs, trademarks, logos, artwork, and other content on this website (collectively known as "Content"), including but not limited to the design, selection, arrangement, and coordination of such Content on this site, are owned or licensed by or to Stupid Wizards Actual People and is protected by copyright, trade dress, and trademark laws, and various other intellectual property rights laws. Copyright is the intangible property right granted by Federal statute for an original work fixed in a tangible form of expression. Copyright provides Stupid Wizards Actual People with the following exclusive rights in a work: to reproduce, to prepare derivative works, to distribute by sale or otherwise, to perform publicly, and to display publicly. Federal Law prohibits any unauthorized use of Stupid Wizards Actual People copyrights without the prior written consent of Stupid Wizards Actual People.


Stupid Wizards

Meet the Characters

Dr. Evren Duman the Monstrous in Stupid Wizards
Katie Callahan the Mundane from Stupid Wizards
Trevor Wolffe the Flake in Stupid Wizards

Artwork by Robin Hall (@fallinginaforrest)

Actual People

Meet the Players

Drew BurtonPlaying Dr. Evren Duman

A walking Dungeons & Dragons encyclopedia, Drew has been immersed in TTRPGs since 2008, starting as a player in D&D 3.5. A few years later, he stepped into the DM role, running his first campaign with Josh as a player. Drew created the nation of Alaria, bringing its world to life through NPCs, monsters, and intricate storylines, all while shaping the plot behind the scenes.

Derek DixPlaying Trevor Wolffe

Derek began his TTRPG journey in 2013 with D&D 4th edition and quickly became known for engaging every NPC he encounters. With a love for improv and deep roleplaying, he has spent over a decade honing his craft across multiple campaigns, bringing characters to life through storytelling and interaction.

Josh MatneyPlaying Katie Callahan

Josh started playing TTRPGs in 2010 with D&D 3.5, joining a campaign where Drew was the DM. He fell in love with the hobby after an unforgettable 12-hour session in a homebrew Pokémon campaign. Over the years, he has explored various game systems as both a player and a game master, always bringing creativity and passion to the table.

Elizabeth ReinCampaign 2 Keeper

With over a decade of experience in D&D and a variety of other TTRPGs, Elizabeth thrives in the roleplaying aspects of the game. They find joy in crafting detailed journals, painting new characters, and creating unforgettable moments. Consistently the funniest among us, they never fail to make our adventures even more memorable!